The Year That Was

Like everyone else, I took a few moments to reflect on 2017 in relation to the blog.  I have to admit, it was hard to keep up with it this year because I had a lot of other projects going on, but I’m glad to see that I wrote consistently.

site stats

The purpose of the blog was originally to share insights about Israel and life in Jerusalem, but I see that my recent posts about travel got a lot more attention than other posts. Maybe I should travel more in 2018! I’ve often considered expanding my subject area and I may explore that this year.

But for now, here is 2017 in review.


I had readers from 42 countries on 6 continents. Does anyone have readers in Antarctica?  Israel and the US are not a big surprise.  Most of my readers are in the US followed closely by Israel. Rounding out the top 5 are the UK, Canada, and China.  The biggest surprise on the list was Pakistan. One person from Pakistan must have accidentally stumbled upon my blog.

top 5

In analyzing the posts, 2017’s most popular post was The Lazy Girl’s Guide to Vegetables, which I did not expect.  The next most popular for 2017 were How to Travel Well and You Should Travel Solo (At Least Once).  Also in the top 5 for 2017 were two posts from 2016: Tai Chi in Israel and Observation: The Streets of Jerusalem.  Those two are also the most popular for all time,  followed by Holocaust Remembrance Day (5 May 2016) – Yom HaShoah.

I guess if I want to increase my readership I’ll have to be more observational, or very serious, or silly, or focus on travel.  To be honest, the Tai Chi post is most popular because it was featured on the website of the Tai Chi school, so it got readers from all around the world.  But since my blog doesn’t focus on Tai Chi, those readers didn’t stay.  All the other posts were popular on their own.  Well, I guess we’ll see what 2018 has in store.

Happy New Year!

May you have good luck, good health, good friends, and excellent adventures!